Frank Singer

United States

Cat's a Bear is a contemporary original jazz group performing in the Eastern Great Lakes region of the United States, whose members have more than 100 years of combined professional musicianship. The group has existed for 40 years, with its roots in Boston, MA.

Founders Frank Singer and Joe Dorris, along with current members Joseph Frisina and Nick "Tito" Ronzitti, and former bandmates Tony Stefanelli, Phil Papotnik, Basil Ronzitti, Bob Dorris, Russ Hoffman and the occassional guest have explored every form of music available including Latin, Standards, Fusion, Blues and more--all showcased on their albums. Cat's a Bear original scores are intense and multilayered masterpieces, amazing both novices and the trained ear alike.

Since the 1980s, Cat's a Bear has received extensive radio play and excellent national reviews. It's guitarist and commissioned composer, Frank Singer, was one of three finalists in the John Lennon Songwriting Contest of 1999--winning for Unity and Diversity, the title track of One World Tribe's debut album.

"...You can expect a high degree of interplay, thrusting rhythms, imaginative, soaring harmonies, and really virtuostic instrumental work from every member."-- John Chacona, Jazz and Blues Festival EmCee

"For jazz aficionados, a rocket ride through arrangements played with unmatched musical technique by some very serious talents."--Bay City Nights

"...high energy and algebraic approach to jazz"--John Chacona, Erie Times-News Showcase


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